Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from No Exit.
Isolation Quotes
GARCIN: So it comes to this; one doesn't need rest. Why bother about sleep if one isn't sleepy? That stands to reason, doesn't it? Wait a minute, there's a snag somewhere; something disagreeable. W...
Lies and Deceit Quotes
GARCIN: Yes, a brute, if you like. But a well-beloved brute. ([Far-away look comes to his eyes.] No, it's nothing. Only Gomez, and he's not talking about me... What were you saying? Yes, a brute. C...
Philosophical Viewpoints: Existentialism Quotes
VALET: Sorry, sir. No offense meant. But all our guests ask me the same questions. (22)
Freedom and Confinement Quotes
INEZ: Mere chance? Then it's by chance this room is furnished as we see it. It's an accident that the sofa on the right is a livid green, and that one on the left's wine-red. Mere chance? Well, jus...
Suffering Quotes
GARCIN: Well, well, I dare say one gets used to it in time. (5)
Power Quotes
INEZ: I didn't. I was a post-office clerk. ESTELLE: [Recoiling a little.] Ah, yes... Of course, in that case – And you, Mr. Garcin? (156-7)
Life, Consciousness, Existence Quotes
VALET: That's good! So you haven't yet got over your – what-do-you-call-it? – sense of human dignity? Excuse my smiling. (20)
Courage Quotes
GARCIN: But don't forget, my man, I've a good notion of what's coming to me, so don't you boast you've caught me off my guard. I'm facing the situation, facing it. (23)