One Hundred Years of Solitude Resources


A Little History

A list of resources for the novel from the University of Wisconsin's Center for the Humanities, including context for the Banana Massacre and the Thousand Days' War.

All Things Gabo (Garcia's Márquez's Cool Nickname)

A super-impressively comprehensive site with interviews, book reviews, images and music based on his work, and many other ways to look at Macondo and the characters of this novel.

A Doc on Gabo

This documentary tries to create an interview with García Márquez in the style of his own writing. Pretty neat stuff.

Movie or TV Productions

García Márquez has never sold the film rights for this novel, although he's let people make movies out of other things he's written. We're pretty sure no movie would be able to convey this novel, so it's probably for the best.

Historical Documents

Solid Review

Here's a 1970 New York Times review of One Hundred Years of Solitude. Like everyone else on the planet, they loved it.

Interview with the Man

Read an interview in The Paris Review and get up close and personal with Gabriel García Márquez

Acceptance Speech

Each Nobel Prize winner delivers a set of remarks at the celebration. Here's what Gabriel García had to say.


One Hundred Years of Solitude the Film?

Check out this student project that creates a title sequence for the nonexistent movie.


Gabriel Garcia Márquez in 90 Minutes

Check out a sample this audiobook about Márquez's life and work.

What It Was Like to Interview Gabo

Listen to NPR's interview with Katie Davis, a commentator who sat down with Gabriel García Márquez almost thirty years ago.


Painting The Town (Red)

Check out one artist's rendition of Macondo. What do you think? It's more colorful than we would have imagined.

The Man Himself

Looks like a pretty nice guy, don't you think?

If Oprah Says So…

Here's one of the many, many, many book covers (with Oprah's stamp of approval!)