The Silence of the Lambs Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Silence of the Lambs.

Quote #7

PILCHER: What do you do when you're not detecting, Agent Starling? […] You ever go out for cheeseburgers and beer? The amusing house wine?

CLARICE: Are you hitting on me, doctor?


It doesn't stop. Dr. Pilcher, at the museum, hits on Clarice in a similar way as Dr. Chilton. But at least Pilcher acknowledges Clarice's credentials. It seems like he respects her, and that might make her more attractive to him.

Quote #8

LECTER: Billy is not a real transsexual. But he thinks he is. He tries to be. He's tried to be a lot of things, I expect.

Dr. Lecter analyzes Buffalo Bill's gender in a scene that some trans activists object to. What do you think Buffalo Bill's gender identity really is? Is it up to us to decide?

Quote #9

[Clarice finds Frederika Bimmel's Polaroids hidden in her music box.]

Even though the FBI has combed the victim's room many times, these pictures remain hidden until Clarice finds them. How does Clarice find them? Maybe because she's a woman, and she knows where other women might hide things.