Sonnet 116 Resources


"‘Oh no!’…meaning ‘Oh no!’"

Two brief (connected) snippets from a 2005 BBC television series, Shakespeare Re-Told, which, as the title implies, puts several Shakespeare plays in contemporary settings. The Much Ado About Nothing episode features some Shakespeare-on-Shakespeare action, in which two of the characters do a detailed reading of the poem.

Sonnets and Sensibility

Sonnet 116, soulfully quoted by the lovely Kate Winslet in Sense and Sensibility (1995).


Two different readings of Sonnet 116

Downloadable files, courtesy of Sonnet Central.


LibriVox is attempting to make all public domain (non-copyright) books into free audiobooks, available online – here’s their collection of Shakespeare sonnets.


In case you’re lost…
Here’s the North Star.

Historical Documents

Harold and Will

Literary giant Harold Bloom answers questions on literary colossus William Shakespeare in this 1998 online interview.

The New York Times on Shakespeare…?

An interesting New York Times article from 1875 that deals with the relationship between Henry Wriothesley and William Shakespeare, which the latter jokingly referred to as a "marriage"…


Old School

A facsimile of the original 1609 printing of the Sonnets – very cool.

… and a newer version

A 2004 edition of the sonnets (one of many, many, many texts out there…).

Love and Robots

The Colossus books, a 1960s sci-fi trilogy by English author Dennis Feltham Jones, uses Sonnet 116 as a definition for love…according to a giant, world-dominating robot. Yep, it’s for real.

Movies & TV

Mystery Sonnet Theatre?

We haven’t seen this TV movie, but the IMDB posting has us intrigued – what will those clever people at the BBC come up with next?

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)

One of our favorites – OK, the sonnets only get a brief shout-out in this comic masterpiece, but it’s worth watching for any fan of Shakespeare…or theater…or, let’s face it, humor.

Sonnets and Sensibility

Here’s the DL on the 1995 Ang Lee film excerpted above (see "Videos").


Calling all Shakespeareans…

A cool, ongoing "online conference" for Shakespeare scholars of all kinds.

Will on the Web

The charmingly named, very comprehensive website, "Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet." Yes, it sounds like a children’s book, but it’s actually quite useful.

Sonnet Central

Wow, some people really love sonnets…

All Shakespeare, all the time

Another Shakespeare website,, offers its take on the sonnets.