Io Study Questions
Bring on the tough stuff - there's not just one right answer.
- Is Hera right to punish Io the way she does? Why, or why not?
- Click here to learn more about Zeus's other seductions. How do they compare to the story of Io?
- Why do you think Zeus chooses to transform Io into a white cow specifically? What do you think the significance of that might be?
- Probably the most famous Greek hero to suffer because of the jealousy of Hera is Heracles, Zeus's son by a mortal lady named Alcmene. Check out what evil plots Hera whipped up for Heracles and his mom, and then compare and contrast the tale of Heracles with Io's story.
- Does your opinion of Zeus change when he finally stands up for Io in the end? Explain your answer.
- Was it right of Hermes to chop off Argus' head? Why, or why not?