The Martian Chapter 22 Quotes

The Martian Chapter 22 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

"Twelve days," Cathy said to the camera. "All of Earth is watching but powerless to help." (22.25)

Though we've focused a lot on Mark in this section, it's worth mentioning how the people of Earth feel about this ordeal. They feel isolated from Mark too, but their dissatisfaction is rooted in their feelings of powerlessness to help.

Mark Watney

Quote 2

It's kind of silly if you think about it. I'm in my space suit on Mars and I'm navigating with sixteenth-century tools. (22.34)

Actually, that doesn't sound silly at all. Throughout The Martian, Mark is forced to use some seriously lo-fi solutions for some big time problems—problems usually caused by complex modern technology. That newfangled stuff can be nice, but sometimes you just have to go back to basics.

Mark Watney

Quote 3

If there is a "later in life," I'll be happy to endure a little nostalgia. But for now, I just want to go home. (22.10)

For the first time, Mark actually believes that he'll make it home. That's huge. It was a struggle to survive, but he never took his eyes off the prize—planet Earth. This guy's been seeing red for way too long.