Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Natural.
Dissatisfaction Quotes
Though he did not show it, the pitch had bothered the Whammer no end. (1.198)
Ambition Quotes
"I bet some day I'll break every record in the book for throwing and hitting." (1.245)
Fate and Free Will Quotes
"After a while people no longer recognized him, except on the ball field, yet though the kidding died down, Pop was a marked man." (2.182)
The Supernatural Quotes
"The result is that Pop has the feeling he has been jinxed since the time of his flop, and he has spent twenty-five years and practically all of his pile trying to break the jinx, which he thinks h...
Morality and Ethics Quotes
Pop scanned it. "Where in blazes did he get the figure of three thousand dollars?""It was for a five thousand minimum but the Judge said I already missed one-third of the season." Pop burst into sc...
Jealousy Quotes
The Whammer fingered his necktie knot. As he scooped up the cards his diamond ring glinted in the sunlight."Goddamned millionaire," Sam thought. (1.130-31)
Strength and Skill Quotes
The other fingered his tie knot. "Why do you suppose she goes around pickin' on athletes for?""Not only athletes but also the cream of the crop. She's knocked off a crack football boy, and now an O...
Poverty Quotes
[Sam] made for the club car. It was semi-officially out of bounds for coach travelers but Sam had told the passenger agent last night that he had a nephew riding on a sleeper, and the passenger age...