The Power of One Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

While I didn't think of it as camouflage, I now know that it was, that I kept myself protected by being out in front. Too far in front to be an easy mark. (17.57)

This goes in the "problems you'd like to have" file. So Peekay finds a new way to hide, which is to just be so dang good at everything that no one even bothers to pick on him. If you have the skills, you should give it a certainly can't hurt to try.

Quote #8

This made for a loneliness that left me aching to share an emotion but equally afraid that if I did so I would reveal a weakness that could be used against me. (17.60)

Do you think that Peekay is special in this feeling of loneliness, or is this just an example of the human condition? Do we all feel like we are weak, that we don't want to reveal our true selves to others?

Quote #9

But then even Doc was lost to me when the lightning of sex struck. (17.61)

Just as Doc doesn't really have much advice to offer when Peekay is in love with his elementary teacher, he also has nothing to say about puberty. Peekay feels isolated because the one person he really connects with in life, Doc, really can't help him out with this one.