The Yearling Resources


You Know You Want In

All true fans join the Rawlings society.

Pack a Picnic

Marjorie's old house is now a park. Bring a Frisbee; watch out for the panthers.

Movie or TV Productions


The 1946 movie stars Gregory Peck and Jane Wyman. Don't you hate it when you get a movie star crush on someone from an old movie 'cause now they're like 98 and don't really go out on dates anymore?

Star Power

Philip Seymour Hoffman lent some gravitas to this 1994 TV movie. RIP.

Anime Style

If you want your Yearling with even bigger doe-eyes, check out this highly rated 1983 version.

Put It to Music

So there was a musical, but it only ran for three performances. Listen at your own risk.

Articles and Interviews

Interview With a Vampire. We Mean Writer.

In 1942, Marjorie did an interview with a writer from a Florida girl's college. It's adorable.


Music to Our Ear

The theme music from The Yearling movie is almost as beautiful and Rawlings's descriptions of nature!

Spoiler Alert

In this movie clip, Jody comes home.

What You've All Been Waiting For

And…start wasting hours of your life… Here's Part 1 of the first episode of the anime series. Have fun!

Eat Like Jody

There's Yearling Restaurant, and they serve venison.

At Home With the Author

Something tells us that this house isn't Ma Baxter's style.

Being Marjorie

Meet Marjorie—or at least a woman who plays her on TV.

She's No Penguin.

Get all the Marjorie facts in this documentary.

The Rawlings State Park

Florida shore is purty, Pa!


An Interview with Marjorie and her Maid… Sort of

Here's actual audio of Rawlings talking, and her maid singing in the background. Yes, it's as weird as it sounds.

Kickin' It Old School

Part One of the radio adaptation, with all the same stars who were in the movie! How do they make those awesome radio sound effects?!

Radio Adaptation, Part 2

Take a bathroom break and come right back.

Radio Adaptation, Part 3

Let's go to the lobby, let's go to the lobby…oh wait, this is radio. Never mind.

Why did I Choose You?

Barbra Streisand singing a song from the musical that never quite was…

The Kind of Man a Woman Needs

Barbra Streisand again. Can you really picture her as Ora Baxter?

I'm All Smiles

Barbra Streisand yet again. She really liked The Yearling, didn't she?


Lovely Lady

Some old photos of Rawlings.

Cover Up

The 1938 original book cover. We hear it's about a boy and deer.

Pirate Shirt

Is it just us, or does Jody look way too clean on this cover?


This cover has the Pulitzer stamp of approval.

Tragedy in Technicolor

This movie poster hits all the same notes: boy + deer.

Murder Most Foul

Slewfoot strikes again, in this shot from the movie.

Moment of Truth

Here's Jody, protesting the inevitable. (You're going to shoot him, Jody.)

Seal It Like an Envelope

You know you've made it when you get to be on a stamp.