Thirteen Reasons Why Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Hannah was beyond me, I figured. Too experienced to even think about me. (3.219)

Clay isn't just afraid to approach Hannah because of what people will say. He's also intimidated by her image as someone more sexually experienced than him.

Quote #5

Ready for this, everyone? Our sweet little Miss Crimson told this guy, and whoever else was standing within earshot, that I've got a few little surprises buried in my dresser drawers. (7.232)

Now other girls are spreading rumors about Hannah's sex life. For some reason everyone wants to be all up in her business that way. Courtney's lie reminds us of every teen movie ever made. Unfortunately, this time, things turn out much differently.

Quote #6

His arm cradling my head like a pillow. Both of my arms hugging him, trying to pull him closer. And speaking for myself, I wanted more. (11.224)

And then I remembered how you ruined it.

"Stop," I told Clay. And my hands stopped pulling him in.

Hannah wants to be with Clay because she cares for him and thinks he cares for her. She doesn't necessarily want to have sex with him, but she does want to enjoy what she's feeling. But her still-fresh memories of Justin and the pain he caused her make this seem impossible.