The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Resources


The Official Website of Mark Twain

Complete with photos, quotes, a bibliography, and links to other sites.

Walt Disney World's Tom Sawyer Island

A brief overview of the Disney attraction.

Mark Twain Cave

The website to for the Mark Twain Cave and Campground. Here you can check out pictures of the cave in Twain's hometown of Hannibal, Missouri. Tom Sawyer's cave is based off of this one.

Movie or TV Productions

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 1938

An old film adaptation of Twain's novel. This was the fourth film based on the novel, but the first one in color.

Tom Sawyer, 1973

This musical includes a young Jodie Foster as Becky.

Tom and Huck, 1995

Starring Jonathan Taylor Thomas as Tom and Brad Renfro as Huck.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, 2003

In which Tom is a member of the American Secret Service. (Don't look for him in the comic book, though. He was added in order to appeal to American audiences.)


Full Text

Project Gutenberg offer the full text of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for free online. This e-text edition even includes illustrations.

Does Spunk-Water Cure Warts?

Here's a TIME magazine article on psychoanalysis and cures for warts. It references Tom and Huck's spunk-water and dead cat cure.


Rush Plays "Tom Sawyer"

Watch them rocking out.

1938 Film

Watch the full 1938 film on YouTube.


Mark Twain in Nikolai Tesla's Lab
Apparently Twain was something of an inventor on the side. Here he is with the Serbian-American genius Nikolai Tesla.