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ACT Aspire English: Colon vs. Semicolon 7 Views
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strong role, if genetics
- 00:03
All right Spirt shmoop er's Here we go Ten of
- 00:05
twelve strong role if genetics and where do we find
- 00:09
it Yes paragraph four all the way down here So
- 00:12
let's skim to it Many people but a person's arm
- 00:14
in my upbringing turning fifty percent genetics citizen was when
Full Transcript
- 00:18
they burned everlastingly Several more strong smooth trip Yeah but
- 00:23
however her the same studies can be viewed as supporting
- 00:27
the view that environment plays a strong role comma If
- 00:32
genetics were solely responsible for personality than identical twins personalities
- 00:38
should not just be similar but identical Wow these are
- 00:41
long senses can buy a period alex for two hundred
- 00:44
Yeah painful Well we're currently looking at akama slice right
- 00:49
there And the only way to split these two complete
- 00:52
thoughts is something we're not adding some sort of connector
- 00:55
Word is with a semi colon or periods of the
- 00:57
answer is c coghlan's and incorrect choice Because collins air
- 01:01
used to introduce lists or sentences that somehow expand upon
- 01:05
you know what comes before the colon like and be
- 01:08
alright Well these senses are related but not quite in
- 01:10
that way And what's more removing the punctuation from the
- 01:13
sentence creates what can on ly be described as a
- 01:16
nightmare of a sentence in d Yeah if they find
- 01:19
frankenstein's monster of a sentence could work just as well
- 01:23
there And when the answer is c strong role semicolon
- 01:27
If genetics you should read it however the same side
- 01:29
can be beauty supporting the view that environment plays a
- 01:32
strong role Semi colon If genetics were solely responsible for
- 01:36
personality than identical twins personality should not just be similar 00:01:39.302 --> [endTime] but identical All right that's it We're done
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