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Playlist AP® Computer Science: Classes and Objects 17 videos
AP Computer Science 2.3 Classes and Objects. Which of the following is correct implementation of the Country class?
AP Computer Science: Classes and Objects Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following is a correct {/* Implementation */} for the isInsect method?
AP Computer Science 1.3 Classes and Objects. Which of the following should be declared as a static variable?
AP Computer Science 1.5 Classes and Objects 400 Views
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AP Computer Science: Classes and Objects Drill 1, Problem 5. Which of the following will run without producing an error message?
- 00:00
No And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you
- 00:05
by objects with no value They're just not for your
- 00:09
grand parents Attic anyway All right which of the following
- 00:14
will run without producing an error message All right check
- 00:19
this out time And here the potential answers Try it
Full Transcript
- 00:25
yourself and let's Just go Okay Java syntax police Slightest
- 00:33
mistake and they'll be all over us Cool All right
- 00:36
Good afternoon officer Beautiful day isn't it Uh he wasn't
- 00:41
even looking this way Anyhow we've got a question of
- 00:43
syntax to deal with Which of these snippets will run
- 00:46
without producing an error message Alright well starting a simple
- 00:50
one t one time object is being created properly It
- 00:55
uses the keyword nu to denote that new time object
- 00:59
with the parameters or eight Thirty six and fifteen Essentially
- 01:03
we're holding on to the time of eight Thirty six
- 01:06
and fifteen seconds Invariable t want the next line creates
- 01:10
another time object named t to and gives it the
- 01:12
same value list one the conan option one will work
- 01:16
despite being a little redundant simple to creates a time
- 01:20
object called t one with no value and creates t
- 01:23
to which equals d want no objects have no value
- 01:28
kind like baseball cards and congressmen Everybody likes baseball cards
- 01:32
Yeah despite that this code will actually run albeit pointlessly
- 01:37
so far both option one into will run All right
- 01:40
Looking at our potential answers there was no option for
- 01:42
all of the sniff it's working properly From that we
- 01:46
can reduce their snippet Three won't work but we've got
- 01:48
to check it anyway for the first half of simple
- 01:50
three creates a time object with a null value which
- 01:53
is fine as we just learned But the second half
- 01:55
greets and manager called my seconds right here and attempts
- 01:59
to platform a to string operation on team one essentially
- 02:03
it's trying to take the data in variable t one
- 02:06
and represented as a securing being the t one has
- 02:10
no value there's nothing to represent and you'll get an
- 02:13
error Simple three doesn't work and he is definitely our 00:02:16.495 --> [endTime] answered Jesus
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