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Playlist AP® English Literature and Composition: Imagery and Figurative Language 13 videos
AP English Literature and Composition 1.2 Passage Drill 4. As which of the following is the object being personified?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.3 Passage Drill 4. What literary device is demonstrated in lines 8–10?
AP® English Literature and Composition Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which literary device is used in lines 31 to 37?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.2 Passage Drill 4 842 Views
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AP English Literature and Composition 1.2 Passage Drill 4. As which of the following is the object being personified?
- 00:03
Here's your shmoop du jour, brought to you by the Foster-Child of Silence. In that house,
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you speak when spoken TO. Which... isn't often.
- 00:20
As which of the following is the object being personified?
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And here are the potential answers...
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All right... so we've got this poem -- Ode on a Grecian Urn.
Full Transcript
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Who knows what this urn did to warrant an entire ode. We feel there are plenty of vases
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and other decorative containers that are more deserving, but... hey, that's just us...
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Anyway, the question is telling us that the object is personified as at least one of three things.
- 00:52
In other words, the urn is compared to either a bride, a child, or a priest.
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Again... we don't see how that's much of a compliment.
- 01:01
But okay, let's take a look at the text...
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Well, right away, in line 1, the urn is compared to a bride.
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"THOU still unravish'd bride of quietness..."
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Hm... we're not sure "quietness" is really a quality the author should be assigning to
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brides in general...
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...but regardless, this one is a definite "yes."
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Then, on line 2, he says:
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"Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time,.."
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So... now the urn's a child.
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Wow. This urn has quite a diverse set of personalities. We're beginning to see why it got its own
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The third one is where they try to getcha.
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There is a mention of a priest... on line 32:
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"To what green altar, O mysterious priest..."
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...but if we carefully read the lines around it, we realize that the priest is actually
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a character on the urn... the urn itself is not being compared to a priest.
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So looks like Roman Numerals One and Two work and Three doesn't...
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...which makes our answer option A.
- 01:57
If you got this one right, treat yourself to a bowl of ice cream as a reward. Go ahead
- 02:01
-- you've urned it.
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