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Playlist Beowulf: Shmoopversations 11 videos
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Beowulf as a Hero 26131 Views
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Beowulf has some serious bragging rights after killing Grendel. Totes respect the dude. ...Totes don’t respect us for saying “totes.” We’re totes sorry.
- 00:01
We speak student!
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Beowulf a la Shmoop
- 00:06
The Hero
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So, unlike most contemporary heroes,
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Beowulf is anything but humble.
Full Transcript
- 00:14
We talked about boasting,
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and that that's just kind of part of the culture.
- 00:17
Talk to us about the man of the hour, Beowulf.
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How does he boast and how is he a hero?
- 00:21
Sure, yeah. Beowulf is not a humble guy.
- 00:24
And when you think of
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heroes now in literature, we think of
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Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen.
- 00:32
These people do not wanna be in the limelight.
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Katniss is, you know, all about flying under the radar.
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Harry does not want to be the kid with the lightning scar.
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They don't want this.
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Beowulf wants it.
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He comes and he takes it.
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He's actually an outsider
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and he comes in - he knows that Hrothgar's having this issue
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with Grendel - and he comes in and says,
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"Hey, guess what? I'm gonna do this.
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I'm gonna be your hero."
- 00:54
It's not a matter of being, you know, arrogant.
- 00:59
It's not supposed to show us that Beowulf
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is pretentious. We're not supposed to dislike him for this.
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This is just part of the cultural values
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that existed at the time.
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And we have to continue to remind ourself of that
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as we read Beowulf.
- 01:11
That everything that's in here --
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Especially because it's an epic poem,
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which is all about displaying cultural values.
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Everything that's in here displays some sort of
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value that was important to the society.
- 01:21
This boasting that --
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When we think of boasting,
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we think about, kind of, bragging, you know,
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to your friends about something awesome you did.
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In the time that the story takes place,
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it was actually much more ritualized.
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Meaning it wasn't just that he went around
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kind of being like, "Hey, check it out. I'm awesome."
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He actually declared, "Here's what I'm going to do."
- 01:41
And he said, "I am going to kill Grendel.
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And I'm going to save Hrothgar and protect his territory."
- 01:46
Then, if you were successful,
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if you're, you know, if you've lived up to your boast,
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then it showed that you were a hero
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and that you were worthy of your soul.
- 01:54
And Beowulf was not very well respected
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in the land he came from,
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so he's kind of trying to prove himself.
- 02:01
And again, this is something that is respected in that society.
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We aren't supposed to look at Beowulf and be like,
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"Oh, who does he think he is?"
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We're supposed to say, "Oh, wow." You know,
- 02:09
"This guy is a real hero."
- 02:11
So, again, it's really all about placing it in cultural context.
- 02:16
Is Beowulf a humble hero?
- 02:18
Why or why not?
- 02:20
Why did Beowulf want to defeat Grendel anyway?
- 02:24
What did boasting mean in Beowulf's culture?
- 02:26
What does it mean today?
- 02:29
How do today's heroes differ from the heroes of Beowulf's time?
- 02:34
How are they similar?
- 02:38
Hey, check it out. I'm awesome.
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