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Playlist CAHSEE Math Test Prep: Mathematical Reasoning 30 videos
Mathematical Reasoning Drill 1 Problem 4. What other information is needed?
Mathematical Reasoning Drill 1 Problem 5. What other information is needed?
CAHSEE Math Mathematical Reasoning Drill 2, Problem 1. Which of the following expressions has a negative value?
CAHSEE Math 1.4 Mathematical Reasoning 178 Views
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Mathematical Reasoning Drill 1 Problem 4. What other information is needed?
- 00:03
Let’s see if you can shmoop what we’re layin' down...
- 00:07
In a math class, the teacher gives the students a pop quiz every week.
- 00:11
We know… she must have been commissioned by the devil.
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The number of problems on each quiz is always the same.
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If each problem on the quiz is always worth five points and takes an average of three minutes to finish,
Full Transcript
- 00:26
what other information is needed to find the number of problems on each weekly quiz?
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And here are the potential answers...
- 00:36
OK, so this question is all about just reading and deducing the broader, factual story here…Sherlock.
- 00:42
By glancing at options C and D, we can see that we really just need to test the validity
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of A and B to get our answer…
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A suggests that we’d need the total number of points on each weekly quiz.
- 00:52
That makes sense. Say we know there are 50 points possible. We already know that each
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problem is worth 5… 50 divided by 5 is 10, and we’d know there are just 10 problems.
- 01:03
A gets through to the lightning round.
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What about B?
- 01:08
Here, it’s suggested that all we’d need is the amount of time allowed to complete the quiz.
- 01:13
Hey, what do you know… that works, too. If we’re told the class has an hour, we
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can take 60 minutes divided by 3 minutes per problem to get… 20 problems.
- 01:22
B is also through to the lightning round.
- 01:26
Unfortunately for our two ultra-competitive contestants… there is no single winner here.
- 01:31
Both A and B are correct, so we’ve got ourselves a tie.
- 01:34
And we’ll want to go with choice C for our final answer.
- 01:37
As in C, “Class… NOT dismissed…”
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