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Playlist GED Math: Measurement 11 videos
GED Math 5.4 Measurement. What is the volume of a sphere that measures 18 meters across?
GED Math: Measurement Drill 2, Problem 2. 55% of consumers preferred paper in the year...what?
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GED Math 2.1 Measurement. How tall is the water tank?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your smoke du
- 00:05
jour brought to you by water tanks Ifyou're not dunking
- 00:08
your teacher in one Well what good are they anyway
- 00:11
Alright a large cylindrical water tank has a radius of
- 00:14
two meters and a surface area of twenty eight high
Full Transcript
- 00:17
meters So how tall is the water tank and here's
- 00:20
A potential answers Okay here we go Alright So suppose
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we can't just ask it or look up its information
- 00:30
on it's like dating profile All right well we're gonna
- 00:35
have to use some kind of formula here And we're
- 00:37
told that the tank is a radius of two meters
- 00:40
and a service area Twenty eight pi square meters All
- 00:43
right well where do we go A formula for the
- 00:45
surface area of a cylinder is s a equals two
- 00:51
pi r squared plus two pi r h where s
- 00:56
a is surface area Are is the radius of a
- 00:58
cylinder And h is the height Got to be sure
- 01:02
you got those right All right well the first bit
- 01:04
this helps us find the area of the top and
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bottom circles while this second part helps us find the
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area of the rest of the cylinder Okay So now
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let's plug in what we know in this formula twenty
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eight pi that service area equals two pi times two
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squared And since two is the radius plus two pi
- 01:21
times two times a jj equals eight pi plus four
- 01:27
pi times Cage mouthful Yeah It's a lot We can
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simplify by combining Like terms and subtracting a high from
- 01:35
both sides to get twenty pi equals four pi h
- 01:40
Now divide both sides by pie will get rid of
- 01:42
that pie and we have a cheek ual's and that's
- 01:46
It that's our hype Answer b Well that one was 00:01:50.566 --> [endTime] a slam dunk
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