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SAT Math 2.2 Statistics and Probability. What percent of her recommended daily intake of 2000 calories did she consume?
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GED Math 4.5 Rational Numbers 194 Views
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GED Math 4.5 Rational Numbers. How much did Dez deposit into her savings account?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your smoke du
- 00:05
jour brought to you by bank accounts where even a
- 00:08
gymnast might have trouble maintaining her balance For every nine
- 00:12
bucks that dez deposits in her checking account Every days
- 00:16
from bachelor ette she deposits two bucks in her savings
Full Transcript
- 00:19
account If dez deposited a total of eight hundred twenty
- 00:22
five bucks in both her checking and savings accounts last
- 00:25
week than how much did she deposit into her savings
- 00:29
account And here the potential answers All right well sounds
- 00:32
like dad's really wants to go on that mediterranean cruise
- 00:35
in the fall way to pinch those pennies Dez All
- 00:38
right so this questions asking us how much money does
- 00:40
put into her savings at camp We know she put
- 00:43
away two dollars every time he made a deposit But
- 00:49
we don't know how many total deposit she made so
- 00:51
we'll have to dig a little deeper here Each time
- 00:53
does made a deposit you put nine dollars into checking
- 00:56
in two dollars into savings that we call the number
- 00:59
of deposits acts Then we can set the equation Nine
- 01:02
x plus two ax equals eight hundred twenty five If
- 01:05
you don't get that part boy you're in trouble on
- 01:07
this question Votes howmany times times dollars Got it Except
- 01:11
got a couple of like terms on our hands Woo
- 01:14
hoo So we can add nynex and two Acts to
- 01:16
get 11 axe And now eleven x equals eight hundred
- 01:19
twenty five Guess what we have to do here Yep
- 01:22
You guessed it Divide both sides by eleven and x
- 01:25
equals seventy five Got eleven and twenty five Seventy five
- 01:29
But wait There's No seventy five dollar option Did we
- 01:32
do something wrong No but we're not quite finished We've
- 01:36
only found the number of deposits are x value Last
- 01:40
step We need to plug that into our two ex
- 01:42
term and two times seventy five one hundred fifty Which
- 01:45
means that dez has deposited a total of one Hundred
- 01:47
fifty bucks into her savings account Option A Unfortunately that
- 01:51
will only get her as far as bermuda I'll keep 00:01:54.158 --> [endTime] pinching Dez malta awaits
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