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Without a thesis statement, you don't have a paper. Watch this video, and get the inside scoop on how to write a killer thesis statement.
A strong thesis is crucial for a good essay. But how do you structure a great thesis statement? If you’re watching this video, you’ve come to t...
The London Bridge may be falling down, falling down, falling down....but your essay will be one stalwart structure that stands the tests of time.
How to Structure a Thesis Sentence 4657 Views
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A strong thesis is crucial for a good essay. But how do you structure a great thesis statement? If you’re watching this video, you’ve come to the right place.
- 00:00
Thank you me How to structure a thesis sentence shmoop
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structuring in essays like structuring a survival hide out in
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the middle of a zombie outbreak It needs to be
- 00:15
strong from top to bottom The most important part of
- 00:20
your essay is something like the barricade of a survival
Full Transcript
- 00:22
shelter It should be super strong but flexible enough to
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let the good guys in and out already Your reader
- 00:31
i eat Your teacher is the good guy If your
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thesis statement is weak your readers won't be that good
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to you anymore They will eat you alive stop So
- 00:47
how do you structure a super thesis statement Well if
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you've been given an essay topic the easiest way to
- 00:54
write your faces is simply to reward the topic Yes
- 00:58
if your topic is write an essay about how reprogramming
- 01:02
a roadside alert signed toe warn the population about a
- 01:04
zombie invasion effects driving habits you khun restructure the topic
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into your thesis A good way to do this is
- 01:11
to make a definitive statement about it Are you pro
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or con Either way take a stand just like you
- 01:21
would against zombies And here's A good one Alerting drivers
- 01:26
about zombie invasions affects driving habits by making motorists more
- 01:29
cautious of hitchhikers This is super specific and it makes
- 01:36
strong word choices especially at the beginning In this case
- 01:40
alerting is a strong choice That also alerts the reader
- 01:43
that your thesis statement is coming If your teacher doesn't
- 01:47
give you a specific topic was still need to address
- 01:49
the question you're exploring In your essay you khun start
- 01:52
an argument Draw conclusions about a subject or thoroughly explore
- 02:03
one main idea Trying to tackle the history of zombie
- 02:10
media in a two to four page essay Not a
- 02:13
good idea that as they will devour your brain and
- 02:17
the brains of anyone who reads it the starting argument
- 02:20
you need to make a bold statement Zombies have a
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reputation for being brain hungry monsters but they're cuddly and
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warm In actuality you just have to get to know
- 02:30
one well quite bold shmoop to draw conclusions about a
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subject you still need to make a bold statement The
- 02:39
zombie virus seems like a bad thing on the surface
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but it will actually work to bring the world together
- 02:45
You may not get everyone on board with this one
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either which is a good thing Just keep in mind
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that the best way to write a strong thesis statement
- 02:51
is to create an argument People aren't fighting over what
- 02:54
you write you're not doing it right so how do
- 02:59
you structure a thesis statement reword your top Take a
- 03:10
stand Start an argument No matter what makes strong word
- 03:25
choices Oh and your thesis statement should usually go at
- 03:29
the end of your introductory paragraph or thereabouts A barricade
- 03:33
at the back of your shelter won't do anyone any 00:03:35.552 --> [endTime] good Good luck in there
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