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Playlist One-Variable Equations and Inequalities 25 videos
Meet the Shmooples. They live on Planet Frisbee, where there is a lot of inequality. Of the arm and Starburst variety, mostly.
Solving inequalities using blob fish? Yes, please!
Inequalities in One Variable Introduction 2256 Views
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Thank you We sneak Inequalities in one variable flashman when
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taking a quiz in class or you ever annoyed when
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you're asked to come up with a single answer to
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a problem curse those test bankers limiting your imagination Wouldn't
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it be nice if you could instead supply a range
Full Transcript
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of answers So you can you know paint with all
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the colors of the wind No that song was apparent
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Well that's Sort of what inequalities do with equations You've
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got the stuff on side exactly equal to stuff on
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side b but with inequalities there's room for a bit
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more flexibility This if you have a strict inequality one
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of these guys here then the value of one side
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will be everything higher or lower Then the other like
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this And this and this If on the other hand
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you have less than or equal to or greater than
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or equal to simple your solution would still be arranged
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But it would include the given value For example get
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a plus one greater than three Then a is the
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range of all values that when added one outputs a
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value greater than but not including three All right we'll
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turn that sucker into greater than or equal to symbol
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And now you can include beef Really Inequalities are obviously
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simpler when you're only dealing with a single variable in
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any time we can further simplifying inequality of one variable
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it just makes the range of breck solutions easier to
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see Unfortunately when asked to solving inequalities problem test you'll
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still probably be asked for just a single answer And 00:01:40.659 --> [endTime] big brother is alive and well
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