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Playlist Online Safety 4 videos
It’s hard to stay safe online. Heck, you don’t even know who we are. Are we Shmoop, or are we just highly trained chickens, typing out these de...
Media Literacy Part 10: Online Safety 439 Views
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- 00:01
We speak student!
- 00:05
Media Literacy
- 00:07
Online Safety
- 00:09
a la Shmoop
- 00:12
Hi! And we're back.
Full Transcript
- 00:13
Talking with Deb from Shmoop
- 00:15
about online safety now.
- 00:17
So, Deb, why should we care about what we post online?
- 00:21
Why not have those embarrassing photos
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and send them to our employers
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in the future and so on and so on?
- 00:28
Well, to be honest, sometimes it doesn't matter
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if you post embarrassing photos because no one's gonna see them.
- 00:33
But you really don't wanna work under that assumption.
- 00:36
If you are applying for a job,
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you better believe that your future employers
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are going to be Googling you, trying to find you on all social media,
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and seeing if they can find the one picture
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to convince them not to hire you.
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Whether that's a picture of you partying
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or just looking like a slob or an idiot.
- 00:54
If you turn, say, your Facebook off
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as you're applying for jobs,
- 00:57
definitely helps, good suggestion there.
- 01:00
Don't use Facebook, Twitter, et cetera, while you're applying for jobs.
- 01:04
You never know what employers will think is bad.
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It might be that one employer thinks
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that that picture of you partying
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is fine and another won't,
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so it's better to just turn it all off.
- 01:16
How deep does this go? So, for example,
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there have been a bunch of legal cases
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about very left-wing companies
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and very right-wing companies making employment hires
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or choosing not to make employment hires
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based on political beliefs.
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How should we think about that
- 01:31
when posting political beliefs
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and all that? I mean, it's kind of who we are.
- 01:36
Shouldn't we have the right to say that?
- 01:37
Is it legal for employers to not hire us because of that?
- 01:40
Yeah, there's kind of that balance between
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free speech and the right for a private company
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to make decisions based on what they believe.
- 01:49
Those are things that normally we say,
- 01:51
"Don't talk about it at a dinner party," right?
- 01:53
But you probably shouldn't talk about them at work.
- 01:55
There are other forums to express those ideas.
- 01:59
And, again, that's why, if you wanna express those ideas
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on social media, go for it. But then when it comes time
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to apply for a job
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or you're doing anything where you might be put in the public eye,
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it's good to turn those off.
- 02:11
Gotta remember that turning off your social media
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doesn't mean people can't find it.
- 02:15
It just makes it a lot harder for them to find it.
- 02:17
So you mentioned finding it.
- 02:18
What if you post anonymously?
- 02:20
Is Big Brother really watching us? What if we do post anonymously?
- 02:25
Well, there's no such thing as anonymous, Dave.
- 02:28
There really isn't.
- 02:30
When you post anonymously,
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all you're doing is making it harder
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for someone to figure out who it is.
- 02:35
So if I go online
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and someone's posting anonymously, I'm probably gonna say,
- 02:39
"Oh, okay, I don't know who this is." and move on.
- 02:41
But if someone really wants to figure out who it is,
- 02:44
they have your IP address.
- 02:45
They can figure out exactly who you are,
- 02:47
where you posted it, when you posted it.
- 02:49
Got it. Okay, makes sense.
- 02:53
[ whoop ]
- 02:54
Why should we care about what we post online?
- 02:58
How should we think about posting political beliefs in social media?
- 03:03
What happens when you post anonymously?
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