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Essay Writing Videos 71 videos
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Nonjudgmental Brainstorming 1105 Views
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Just imagine—a storm that doesn't end in splintered houses and piles of snow taller than your two-story house. Instead, these storms leave valuable, creative ideas in their wake. If only Mother Nature was always so kind.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak Nonjudgmental brainstorming a lush shelby is
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having a hard time writing her essay for history class
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primarily because she has no idea what to write about
- 00:14
Magic eight balls and weegee boards won't help you here
- 00:16
shelby instead it's time to check the weather report to
Full Transcript
- 00:19
see if there's a brainstorm of blowing it a brainstorm
- 00:23
is kind of like a mental hurricane sweeping through our
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heads with high winds and heavy rains and string up
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ideas that can fast waken brainstorm about all kinds of
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situations like shelby we might be trying to come up
- 00:34
with an essay topic or perhaps an original way to
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ask a date to prom or maybe even the best
- 00:40
way to tell mom and dad that family volvo has
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a new dent in the side and doesn't look cool
- 00:45
Whatever the brainstorming about the goal is to come up
- 00:48
with as many ideas as possible For some of us
- 00:51
this is the tricky part Instead of just writing down
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ideas they come we might take a look at idea
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numero uno and decide that it well sucks It's the
- 00:59
worst idea ever we might think and worse even than
- 01:02
the very concept of crab cream gratton pizza flavored doritos
- 01:08
yeah judgemental brainstorming is a problem if we get all
- 01:11
picky over our brainstorm before it's even really started well
- 01:14
then we're putting the kibosh on the numerous ideas we
- 01:17
could have had if we just locked are judging this
- 01:20
up in a cabinet or a closet and let the
- 01:22
brainstorm move on through creativity is fragile it carries mo
- 01:26
mentum you've got to show it love The fact is
- 01:29
some of the ideas we produced during a brainstorm are
- 01:31
going to be terrible unoriginal just really really bad and
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that's ok because we have to mentally plow past all
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the ideas that won't get us anywhere to reach the
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really good meaty stuff that conservative the basis for whatever
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project is that we're working on This isn't to say
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that judgment doesn't have a place in the brainstorming process
- 01:47
it does but only after we've written down every single
- 01:50
idea in our heads so that our brains are completely
- 01:52
and utterly empty Kind of like a high school during
- 01:55
the holidays Once we've got that list of ideas in
- 01:58
hand we can go back discard trash and treasure brian
- 02:01
make list check him Check him twice like santa Hopefully
- 02:05
our brainstorm will produce at least a few ideas worthy
- 02:08
so we have lots of choice We might even be
- 02:10
able to string multiple ideas together So like ladies and
- 02:13
gentlemen and shelby just remember when it comes to brainstorming
- 02:17
we have to take our desire to judge and shove
- 02:19
it down a deep dark hole The surest way to
- 02:23
get good ideas is toe have bad ideas and then
- 02:26
the only way to get past those bad ideas wells
- 02:29
to write them down and let the brainstorm work with 00:02:31.315 --> [endTime] rainy windy magic for you
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