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SAT Reading Section: Sentence Completion Drill 1, Problem 1
SAT Reading 2.1 Short Passages 185 Views
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SAT Reading: Short Passages Drill 2, Problem 1
- 00:03
Holy Shmoop, Batman! Another question... Go ahead and hit pause so you can review this
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passage. We're not going anywhere.
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According to the information given in the passage, which of the following is true about
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our understanding of the ocean floor?
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And here are the potential answers...
Full Transcript
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Here's the awesome thing about short passages:
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no matter how boring they are, they're quick to sift through.
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In this case, we're looking for the truest statement, so let's evaluate each of our answer
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choices in turn. First, we can eliminate (A)...
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Because lines 9 through 10 tell us that it took several hundred years to develop our
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knowledge of the ocean floor, so the first navigators couldn't have figured it all
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out on their own.
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We can cross out (B) as well, because lines 5 through 9 tell us that the first navigators
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did at least figure out that the ocean floor varies in depth.
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Choice (E) is easy to toss overboard because the first line tells us that most of the earth's
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surface is below water.
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We can nix (D), because the final line tells us everything going on with land is connected
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with what's going on underwater. So (C) is the only correct answer.
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Maybe it's a good thing the early navigators didn't figure it all out at once.
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It might've been too much to handle.
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