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Playlist Kafka, Moby-Dick, and the Southern Gothic 10 videos
Ready for a horror story that isn’t about a bad hair day? Pick up a Southern Gothic novel like Moby-Dick or As I Lay Dying instead. Though now th...
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Southern Gothic, Kafka, and Moby-Dick: The Metamorphosis 7641 Views
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Ever wake up to find that you’ve transformed into a giant bug? Just say, “I woke up like this,” and post a picture on Instagram. Works every time.* *This probably never works. We could’ve told you to avoid Raid cans and people throwing shoes at you, but what fun is practical advice?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in Southern gothic metamorphoses Ah la
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shmoop Okay uh let's move on to another work that's
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near and dear to our hearts Talk to us about
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kafka and the metamorphosis First can you give us just
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a quick prices of the of the work What happens
Full Transcript
- 00:26
in the metamorphosis Gregor samsa wakes up one day to
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find out he is a huge bug The first thing
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he thinks about is how my going to goto work
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when i'm a giant bug than his family Russia's in
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there freaked out His boss comes over runs down the
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stairs and that's kind of how he spends the rest
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of his life just freaking people out come into his
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room crawling around up and down the walls until his
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family gets sick of them They throw an apple into
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him that get stuck infected He starts moving more and
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more slowly And then one day he just kind of
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guys What does gregor's transformation symbolize Gregor's Transformation into bug
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seems to represent people's alienation from one another That was
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happening in the beginning of the twentieth century If there
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is a lot of growth of technology a lot of
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economic expansion It's really telling that gregor's first thought is
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it Oh jeez um bug but how do i get
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to go to work when i'm turned into this Everything
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about his existence has become about money and about supporting
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his family What do you mean by our alienation from
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one another S o alienation is a major theme of
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modernist writers They are concerned that there isn't the same
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kind of human connection that there may have used to
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have been People are out to exploit one another and
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only out for their own gain God okay fair enough
- 02:08
What as a parable and it's not too bold a
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parent is a parable is a greek term that initially
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was used to mean sort of an illustration or a
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comparison thing to another something that is supposed to teach
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you a lesson Andi it's in its story so what's
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the lesson that turning gregor samsa into a bug teaches
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us about humanity that humans don't like bugs Or i
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think it's a little more than that we don't like
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bugs I think it is that this way of life
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that costco was worried that we had adopted in the
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twentieth century Wass creating people who don't feel like people
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people who feel like less than people sort of like
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slaves to their job or anything like that Who else
- 03:01
transforms in the metamorphoses The metamorphosis seems to have already
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occurred but what happens through the rest of the story
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is how his transformation has caused other people to metamorphose
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eyes His family has to go out And get jobs
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His sister becomes his caretaker She ends the story by
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becoming sort of a new adult woman who her parents
- 03:30
realize she is now ready to go out Mary on
- 03:34
dh sort of continue the family line So the metamorphosis
- 03:38
can be thought of not just a cz gregor turning
- 03:42
into a bug but as the effect that that has
- 03:45
on everyone Else's life What happens in the metamorphosis What
- 03:51
does gregor's transformation symbolize What is a parable Who else 00:03:58.283 --> [endTime] transforms in the metamorphoses
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