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Want even more deets on "they" as a singular pronoun? Click here to review. Or take a look at our entire grammar section for al the goods.
AP® English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 1. The speaker would agree with all of the following statements except what?
AP English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 10. The metaphor used in lines 62 and 63 is best interpreted to mean which...
They as Singular Pronoun––Is It Okay? 767 Views
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Want even more deets on "they" as a singular pronoun? Click here to review. Or take a look at our entire grammar section for al the goods.
- 00:00
They as a singular pronoun a la Shmoop.
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When a random teenager of unknown gender gets into a fender-bender and suddenly fears the
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wrath of a parent... ...he
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should prepare to beg for mercy.
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Or is it she should prepare to beg for mercy Or is it they should
Full Transcript
- 00:16
prepare to beg for mercy Argh Too many options MERCY Here's the deal.
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In grammar pairing a plural pronoun with a singular antecedent is a big no-no.
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So our random teenager of unknown gender... ...who
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really should not have been driving and eating tacos at the same time... ...should
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never have anything to do with the plural pronoun they.
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The problem is that using anything other than they feels weird.
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For example we could say Random Teenager had the presence of mind to call his
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parents after the wreck... ...but
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we don't know that our random teenager is a guy.
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In this case using his seems sexist.
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Or what if we said Random teenager left the accident with nothing more than a
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bump on his or her head.
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Using his or her doesn't just sound weird but also complicated.
- 01:01
When you end up in this situation stuck with a singular antecedent of unknown gender
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here's what you should do... ...avoid
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the problem entirely by transforming that singular noun... ...into
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a plural noun.
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Say you have the sentence When a teenager gets in a wreck he or she
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should call 911 immediately.
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That sounds awkward so let's avoid the problem.
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When teenagers get in wrecks they should call 911 immediately.
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Or say you have the sentence When a police officer sees someone in trouble he
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should drop that jelly donut and help.
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That's sexism rearing its ugly head again so let's avoid the problem.
- 01:36
When police officers see someone in trouble they should drop their jelly donuts and help.
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Maybe someday everyone will be on board with using they with a singular antecedent.
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After all lots of folks already use they as a singular gender-neutral pronoun whether they
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mean to or not.
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However if your English teacher isn't in the they-is-okay camp...
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should do everything you can to avoid using they with a singular antecedent... ...and
- 01:58
going forward Random Teenager should avoid driving while eating. NOTE end of file
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