Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Return of Chorb.
The Supernatural Quotes
…and something which one might be inclined to regard as a kind of fatidic prefiguration: the radial span of a spider’s web between two telegraph wires that were beaded with droplets of...
Mortality Quotes
How was he to explain that he wished to possess his grief all by himself, without tainting it by any foreign substance and without sharing it with any other soul? Her death appeared to him as a mos...
Versions of Reality Quotes
He passed in reverse through all the spots they had visited together during their honeymoon journey (9).
Suffering Quotes
How was he to explain that he wished to possess his grief all by himself, without tainting it by any foreign substance and without sharing it with any other soul? (6).
Love Quotes
She skipped, she laughed. Chorb, hunching his back a bit, walked behind her—and it seemed to him that happiness itself had that smell, the smell of dead leaves (15).