Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Dead Man Walking.
Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes
What makes me think I wouldn't have been pregnant at seventeen? How law-abiding would I be? (1.42)
Family Quotes
"My poor mother…""…Those poor children. Those poor parents. They must be in hell." (2.108, 116)
Freedom and Confinement Quotes
Prison is torture for him. He hates waiting while guards do the "count." He tells me how every inmate at every minute of the day has to be accounted for. (2.69)
Guilt and Blame Quotes
Lloyd LeBlanc will berate me for not seeking him out at the beginning… (1.50)
Justice and Judgment Quotes
In 1951 eight inmates, known as the "Heel-string Gang," inaugurated the first reform at Angola by slitting their Achilles tendons with razor blades rather than go to the "long line" in the fields,...
Mortality Quotes
"I can't bear the thought that you would die without seeing one loving face. I will be the face of Christ for you. Just look at me." (2.103)
Politics Quotes
…to claim to be apolitical or neutral in the face of such injustices would be in actuality to uphold the status quo—a very political position to take, and on the side of the oppressors. (1.17)
Religion Quotes
…Jesus' challenge to the nonpoor, she emphasized, was to relinquish their affluence, and to share their resources with the dispossessed. (1.19)