DNA Structure, Replication, and Technology True or False

1. We have identified a possible target for gene therapy to prevent X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency, a genetic disorder where the immune system does not function normally. This is commonly called "bubble boy" disease, as victims cannot fight any infection. Below is the sequence of DNA with the gene we want to target: [LINK] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_000023.10?report=fasta&from=70327254&to=70331481&strand=true Which of the following primer pairs is the best to amplify the "bubble boy" gene? -> 5´-TCTCCTTTGCACACCCACC-3´ and 5´-AAAAACTACTAATAGTTGTC-3´
2. You can easily use the program [LINK] NEB Cutter to identify restriction sites in a sequence. Which of the following restriction enzymes do NOT have a cut site in the "bubble boy" gene? -> SacI (GAGCTC)
3. Knowing what you know from the answer in the above question, with which of the following restriction enzymes should you digest to put the "bubble boy" gene into a plasmid? -> StuI
4. Use [LINK] BLAT on the UCSC Genome Browser to identify the gene of interest. What is the name of the gene? -> IL2RG
5. Oops. You realize that you actually want to express the protein and NOT do gene replacement therapy. Which of the following would be the BEST way to do this? -> Make a plasmid with the "bubble boy" cDNA.
6. Which of the following enzymes would be the MOST useful to making cDNA from mRNA? -> Reverse transcriptase
7. Which of the following processes uses codons to make amino acids? -> DNA replication
8. Which of the following would NOT be described as an inheritable trait? -> Muscle size
9. Which of the following would BEST increase gene expression? -> Repressor protein binding DNA
10. How many nucleotides form an anticodon? -> 5
