The Kite Runner True or False

1. "Think of something good," ??? said in my ear. "Something happy." Who spoke into his ear? -> Amir
2. Most of Baba's complaints seem to spring from whose lack of "manliness"? -> Asif's
3. "Sanaubar had taken one glance at the baby in Ali's arms, seen the cleft lip, and barked a bitter laughter." Who is the baby? -> Assef
4. Who said, "You don't know the meaning of the word 'liberating' until you've done that, stood in a roomful of targets [the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif], let the bullets fly, free of guilt and remorse, know you are virtuous, good, and decent. Knowing you're doing God's work. It's breathtaking."? -> Assef
5. Who said, "Now, no matter what the mullah teaches, there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. Do you understand that?"? -> Hassan
