Major Barbara True or False

1. Who says "Oh I say!" about a thousand (okay, maybe only 15) times in the play? -> Charles Lomax
2. Person A told Person B: "You speak as if there were half a dozen moralities and religions to choose from, instead of one true morality and one true religion." Who are Person A and Person B? -> Stephen Undershaft and Andrew Undershaft
3. Who said, "Look at poor little Jenny Hill, the Salvation lassie! she would think you were laughing at her if you asked her to stand up in the street and teach grammar or geography or mathematics or even drawing room dancing; but it never occurs to her to doubt that she can teach morals and religion"? -> Andrew Undershaft
4. Who said, "That's what's so unfair to us women. Your confessions is just as big lies as ours: you don't tell what you really done no more than us; but you men can tell your lies right out at the meetins and be made much of for it; while the sort o confessions we az to make az to be wispered to one lady at a time. It ain't right, spite of all their piety"? -> Rummy Mitchens
5. When discussing Barbara, who said, "Ever since they made her a major in the Salvation Army she has developed a propensity to have her own way and order people about which quite cows me sometimes. It's not ladylike: I'm sure I don't know where she picked it up"? -> Andrew Undershaft
