Topics in Depth
Topics in Depth
The Atom
Brief History Our understanding on what things are and what those things are made of has understandably evolved through the years. It's understandable because the closer we look at the world,...
Nuclear Physics
We've spent a great deal of time in this Atomic section discussing electrons and their orbits and their energies, but they're not the only particle in an atom. As we saw in Section 1, Ernest Ruther...
Particle Physics
The difference between nuclear and atomic physics and particle physics is that nuclear and atomic physics concern matter in atoms and nuclei. Particle physics deals primarily with the interactions...
Common Mistakes
The AtomSI units matter a lot for electron energy level conversion, but not for comparing energy levels to each other.The units we use for time in the half-life equation don't matter, however, beca...
Test Your Knowledge
The Atom1. After acquiring a time machine, we decide to visit Rutherford to test his skills and knowledge. We break into his lab right before he conducts his scattering experiment, replacing his α...