No Exit Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used the translation by S. Gilbert found in No Exit and Three Other Plays, published by Vintage International in 1989.

Quote #7

INEZ: He was rather pathetic really. Vulnerable. Why are you smiling?
GARCIN: Because I, anyhow, am not vulnerable.
INEZ: Don't be too sure... (292-4)

In what way is Garcin vulnerable? Who or what renders him vulnerable?

Quote #8

INEZ: Do I look the sort of person who lets go? I know what's coming to me. I'm going to burn, and it's to last forever. Yes, I KNOW everything. But do you think I'll let go? I'll catch her, she'll see you through my eyes, as Florence saw that other man.

This is the God complex we talk about in Inez’s "Character Analysis." Inez doesn’t just want to be a subject – she wants to control everyone else’s subjectivity.

Quote #9

INEZ: I'm rather cruel, really.
GARCIN: So am I.
INEZ: No, you're not cruel. It's something else.
INEZ: I'll tell you later (295-299)

To what is Inez referring? What attribute does Garcin misinterpret as cruelty?