The Life of Timon of Athens Resources


The Bard's Words

The full text of the play, along with footnotes and definitions.

All the Shakespeare You Want

And possibly more. The BBC has a slew of Shakespeare resources.

Movie or TV Productions

BBC's Timon of Athens

The BBC's version of the play stars Jonathan Pryce (Keira Knightley's dad in The Pirates of the Caribbean) as the title character.

Timon Goes to San Francisco

A modern-day retelling of the play with a playboy as the main misanthrope.

Articles and Interviews

Alcibiades by Plutarch

Chances are Shakespeare read this before writing his version of events.

Timon the Misanthrope by Lucian

If this was good enough for Shakespeare to read, then it's good enough for us.

Stage History

The stage history is no longer a mystery after reading Gary Jay Williams's take on it.

Let's Work Together

An article on how, when, and why Shakespeare collaborated on his plays with other dramatists.


Behind the Scenes

Learn the secrets from the director and actors in the making of The National Theatre's production of the play.

Undiscovered Country

Chicago Shakespeare Theater Artistic Director Barbara Gaines talks about the difficulty of putting on the play.


Acoustic Performance by LibriVox

Here's a performance of the entire play.


First Folio

The first printed edition of Timon of Athens (and many of Shakespeare's other works), published in 1623.

Cave Painting

Timon and Flavius chillaxin' in the cave.

Infecting the Air

Timon figures: Hey, I don't want to live in Athens anymore.

Leaving the City

Timon thought, "I'll show them by putting my hands up in the air!"