Waiting for Godot Vladimir Quotes

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 4

Let us not waste our time in idle discourse! (Pause. Vehemently.) Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not indeed that we personally are needed. (2.526)

Vladimir has resolved himself to action, yet still wastes time in the very "idle discourse" he intends to condemn. His choice (in this case, to act) is negated by the very process of making that choice.

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 5

We have to come back tomorrow.
What for?
To wait for Godot. (2.841-3)

Vladimir finds himself once again condemned to wait for Godot, but he fails to realize that – just moments before – he made a choice to set up another "appointment." Through his apparently routine conversations with the Boy, Vladimir in fact condemns himself to a lifetime of waiting for Godot.

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 6

We'll hang ourselves tomorrow. (Pause.) Unless Godot comes.
And if he comes?
We'll be saved. (2.877-9)

Vladimir removes himself from the responsibility of choice by hinging his fate on the action of another – Godot. This way, he isn’t responsible for choice. It’s a lot like flipping a coin to decide whether to major in English or Math (as if that’s a tough one).