Waiting for Godot Vladimir Quotes

Vladimir > Pozzo

Quote 64

Enter Pozzo and Lucky. Pozzo is blind. Lucky burdened as before.
At last! (He goes towards the heap.) Reinforcements at last!
We were beginning to weaken. Now we're sure to see the evening out. (2.456-63)

This is a great example of the way Vladimir sees other people only for purposes of entertainment. He ignores the fact that Pozzo is blind and that both he and Lucky have fallen helplessly to the ground. Instead, he rejoices that he has something to do to pass the time until evening. In this way, Vladimir could be seen as the most isolated character in Waiting for Godot, since he can’t even recognize the humanity of another.

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 65

That seems a good idea all right. But could we do it? Is he really asleep? (Pause.) No, the best would be to take advantage of Pozzo's calling for help—
To help him—
We help him?
In anticipation of some tangible return. (2.520-4)

This is a lowly low for Vladimir; while his earlier focus on the self was indifferent, this one is malicious—he’s plotting to manipulate another for personal gain.

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 66

Let us not waste our time in idle discourse! (Pause. Vehemently.) Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. (2.526)

Vladimir is able to rejoice in Pozzo's and Lucky’s pain and helplessness because it lends importance to his own life.