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Playlist AP® Calculus 14 videos
AP Calculus: Problem Explanation Limits Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following are true about the pictured function?
AP Calculus 1.4 Limits. Given the limit, which of the following are true?
AP Calculus: AB/BC Limits Drill 1, Problem 5. Evaluate the limit.
AP Calculus 1.1 Applications and Multivariable Calculus 246 Views
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AP Calculus 1.1 Applications and Multivariable Calculus. Which of the following is a direction field for the differential equation?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak here's your shmoop du jour brought
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to you by grafs gone wild they're clearly the result
- 00:09
of bad parents which of the following is the direction
- 00:13
field for the differential equation Y prime equals x times
- 00:17
sign of why And hear the potential answers All right
Full Transcript
- 00:23
well whoa these air some trippy grass we really need
- 00:26
to stop eating so many sugary foods just before that
- 00:29
time Okay so the key to finding the right direction
- 00:32
field for a product of functions is to think about
- 00:35
the direction field for each part of the product And
- 00:38
then imagine what happens when we multiply You know that
- 00:42
sign is a periodic function which means it'll repeat interval
- 00:47
after interval after interval after interval like that we're given
- 00:51
the sign of why so we know that the direction
- 00:53
field will repeat in the right direction looking at the
- 00:57
given direction fields the only one that is periodic in
- 01:01
the wider action is answer choice See the other direction
- 01:04
Fields are only periodic in the ex direction so answer
- 01:08
sees alfio excuse us We're going to go during some
- 01:11
warm milk and go straight to bed hopefully will dream 00:01:14.539 --> [endTime] Something single line brass
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