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AP Calculus: Problem Explanation Limits Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following are true about the pictured function?
AP Calculus 1.4 Limits. Given the limit, which of the following are true?
AP Calculus 2.5 Limits 201 Views
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AP Calculus 2.5 Limits. What is the limit?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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brought to you by diagrams not the preferred method of
- 00:09
birth control All right consider the following diagram The picture
- 00:13
is of a wedge of a circle with a radius
- 00:15
of one The angle is acts which is measured in
Full Transcript
- 00:18
radiance Because of this the arc length is also x
- 00:23
A right triangle is created And the height of the
- 00:25
leg next to the ark of the circle is a
- 00:27
sign of acts Imagine what happens His ex gets smaller
- 00:31
and smaller Smaller It appears that the height of the
- 00:36
leg of the triangle and the are calling becomes indistinguishable
- 00:39
Or that as x approaches zero ex becomes sign of
- 00:44
acts Therefore the limit as x approaches zero signings over
- 00:48
x is equal Tio what And here the potential anthony
- 00:54
All right for this problem we should think of the
- 00:55
division in sine x over acts as the ratio between
- 00:59
sign of x and x don't worry reason we'll be
- 01:02
able to get rid of that car waken See that
- 01:05
as angle x gets smaller and smaller the two legs
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of the triangle get closer and closer in sign of
- 01:11
ex gets smaller and smaller waken See that arc link
- 01:14
with acts also gets smaller If x gets really small
- 01:18
we see that the ark in vertical get closer and
- 01:20
closer to each other until there nearly identical once Acts
- 01:24
become 0 They do become identical and the ratio between
- 01:28
the two is just one to one Therefore his ex
- 01:30
approaches Zero sign of ex overact approaches one on our
- 01:34
answer be
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