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Algebra II Videos 107 videos
ACT Math Pre-Algebra: Drill 3, Problem 4. Find the solution to this equation.
CAHSEE Math 2.4 Mathematical Reasoning 185 Views
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Mathematical Reasoning Drill 2 Problem 4. Which of the following expressions tells how much he spends on rent per month?
- Algebra / Create equations that describe numbers or relationships
- Algebra / Create equations that describe numbers or relationships
- Algebra / Interpret the structure of expressions
- Algebra / Interpret the structure of expressions
- Algebra / Create equations that describe numbers or relationships
- Algebra / Interpret the structure of expressions
- Algebra / Interpret the structure of expressions
- Algebra / Create equations that describe numbers or relationships
- Algebra / Create equations that describe numbers or relationships
- Mathematical Reasoning / Analyzing problems
- 00:03
This question might blow the shmoopee right off your head…
- 00:06
John just moved his entire family into a shoe.
- 00:09
The old lady who lived there before is renting it to him at a really reasonable rates.
- 00:13
If x is the total amount John paid for y number
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of months of rent, including a one-time security deposit in the amount of z dollars…
Full Transcript
- 00:21
…which of the following expressions tells how much he spends on rent per month?
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And here are the potential answers...
- 00:30
OK, so this question is asking for an expression for how much John spends on rent per month.
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Since we're not given any actual money values, we can use variables.
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So to find rent spent per month, we have to find the
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total rent spent divided by number of months, or y.
- 00:48
Since we know x is the total amount of money on housing John spent, and z is the security deposit…
- 00:55
…we can find total rent spent but just taking x minus z.
- 01:00
So rent spent per month is total rent spent, or x minus z over y, number of months.
- 01:07
So the answer is B. That's it. Bye.
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