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Looking to find function formulas from tables? We've got all you need, right here in this video.
Using Function Notations 1997 Views
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How do you use function notations? We're glad you asked! No, really. Otherwise, we made this video for nothing.
How do you use function notations? We're glad you asked! No, really. Otherwise, we made this video for nothing.
- 00:00
using function notation -a la shmoop well thank goodness we never get
- 00:07
distracted while doing our math homework. but seriously do you see that Saints [girl frowns sitting at a desk]
- 00:11
game last weekend? what a blowout. what we're talking about again ?oh right
- 00:15
getting distracted. well any time we plug an x value into a function to see what
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the corresponding Y value is we can get lost in our tracks and forget what we're [train goes by]
Full Transcript
- 00:22
doing. for example say we want to find the Y value the output, when X the input,
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equals 3 for the equation y equals 4x minus 3. well if we forget what we
- 00:34
initially plugged in we'll have to go back to the question to figure it out. if
- 00:38
we use function notation and write f of 3 equals 4x minus 3 then plug into 3 we
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end up with F of 3 equals 9. and remember that when X is 3 y or the output is 9. it [equation on screen]
- 00:52
might seem a bit funky the function notation becomes much easier to use over
- 00:56
time as long as we remember that X is the input and Y is the output. oh look a
- 01:01
squirrel. [squirrel runs in front of chalkboard]
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