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Math III Videos 103 videos
Approximately 874 people per day wonder what a unit rate is. If you're one of them, check out our video on unit rates and how to use them. (We just...
This video covers how to use cross products to solve for a missing number in a proportion by setting that proportion with a variable over the produ...
GED Math 2.4 Rational Numbers. Lucius's favorite restaurant is how many km from his home?
Perimeter and Circumference 10661 Views
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It's super useful to be able to find the distance around stuff. Like when you’re being pursued by authorities while running around the base of an enormous water tower. Trust us—it's gonna happen.
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Script Perimeter and Circumference, a la Shmoop.
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Welcome… to King Area’s court.
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You’ve probably heard of his famous brother-in-law… the one with all the knights and whatnot.
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Well, King Area doesn’t go in for all the swordplay and dragon-slaying.
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He’s more interested in measuring stuff.
Full Transcript
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It’s so much less stressful. He has assigned a particularly important job
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to two of his right-hand men…
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Sir Cumference and Perry Meter. The King has asked that they get together
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and decide on plans to build a tall stone wall around the castle.
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Again, it’s not really to keep out enemies. It’s just so the King has one more thing
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to measure. Of course, Cumference and Meter can’t agree
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on how the wall should be built.
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Sir Cumference thinks the wall should be circular in design.
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Perry Meter envisions a unique polygon shape. Cumference argues that his wall would be more
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fun to measure.
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<<High-pitched, English voice>> When the King wants to measure the circumference of the
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wall, he gets to multiply its diameter by pi.
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What is more fun than pi? <<end voice>> But Meter feels that his wall would keep the
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King busy longer.
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Not to mention that it would be more interesting to look at.
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<<Low, English voice>> But a circle is so boring. Two seconds and he’s done.
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With my wall, the King can while away an entire afternoon…
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…walking around the perimeter and measuring each side, then adding them all together.
- 02:00
<<end voice>> The men kept at each other’s throats for
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the remainder of the afternoon.
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They never did come to a decision.
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However, the King wasn’t upset that his wall wasn’t getting built.
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In fact, it had sort of been his plan all along.
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<<King voice>> Do you know how long they’ve been arguing in there?
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<<Jester voice>> No, sire.
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<<King voice>> Four hours, seven minutes, and thirty-two seconds. Isn’t it wonderful?
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<<Jester voice>> I suppose, sire…
- 02:44
<<King voice>> Now scram. I’ve got more counting to do. Thirty-seven, thirty-eight…
- 02:49
Blurb: Meet Sir Cumference and Perry Meter. The most
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uproarious duo since Martin and Lewis. Or Nichols and May. Or Harold and Kumar. Whatever
- 03:03
reference works for you. They’re here to talk about measuring stuff. Let the hilarity…
- 03:12
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