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Playlist Shakespeare's The Tempest: Shmoopversations 12 videos
Is The Tempest Shakespeare's final play? How does it differ from his other plays? What kind of literature does The Tempest most resemble? Why are w...
Does Prospero have magical powers? And if he does, could he get us into Hogwarts? We've been waiting so patiently...
What happens during The Tempest's inciting event? We're glad you asked. No, really. Otherwise, we read the whole play for nothing.
Shakespeare's The Tempest 1 History 331 Views
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Is The Tempest Shakespeare's final play? How does it differ from his other plays? What kind of literature does The Tempest most resemble? Why are we asking so many questions? Should you be concerned? Was that a rhetorical question? Will we ever stop asking questions? Should we switch to decaf?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in Shakespeare's plays the tempest history
- 00:09
i last knew Is the tempest shakespeare's final play Yeah
- 00:17
so it's read as his final play probably written between
- 00:21
sixteen ten and sixteen eleven and shakespeare passed away a
- 00:26
few years later in sixteen sixteen how does the tempest
Full Transcript
- 00:31
different from shakespeare's Other place So this place is totally
- 00:34
detached in a couple of ways It takes place on
- 00:36
an island It takes place sort of like outside of
- 00:40
time because you have people traveling there and getting stranded
- 00:43
there It's also a play that's very reflective about what
- 00:47
it means to create a world which is what shakespeare's
- 00:50
been doing his entire career What kind of literature does
- 00:54
the tempest most resemble Does a log history and kind
- 00:58
of near classical literature So greek tragedies come from kind
- 01:03
of a greek or a roman nation state a very
- 01:06
isolated space and thus tend to have a unity of
- 01:10
place They take place on one island Ordered one town
- 01:14
one location a unity of time They take place over
- 01:18
a very short period of time a single day traditionally
- 01:22
and this play is working with all those trips to
- 01:25
so it would have been very recognisable to its contemporary
- 01:28
audience But it's also easily read within a long tradition
- 01:33
Classical literature Is the tempest shakespeare's final play How does
- 01:42
the tempest differ from shakespeare's Other place What kind of 00:01:45.759 --> [endTime] literature does the tempest most resemble you
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