Modern Physics Quiz True or False

1. The Sun is fueled by the fusion of two hydrogen atoms into helium. Why do we see light as a result? -> Because helium is heavier than hydrogen and requires more binding energy
2. We discover a strange neutral alien element, which we name Shmoopium. Its configuration can be written as . What can be said about Shmoopium? -> Shmoopium has 104 neutrons, 100 protons, and 100 electrons.
3. Which fundamental forces affect leptons? -> Gravity, weak, electromagnetic
4. Which are hadrons? -> Neutrons, Nucleons, Electrons
5. The strange element Shmoopium [] we discovered is radioactive. We counted 200 nuclei of Sh. One week later, there are 50 nuclei left. What is Shmoopium's half-life? -> Half a week
6. Absorption and emission spectra occur because of: -> Energy quantization
7. Neutrons and protons are composed of: -> Nucleons
8. Amongst others, which conservation laws do particle collisions always obey? -> Conservation of energy-mass equivalence, lepton number, charge
9. An electron orbiting a hydrogen atom at n = 1 gets knocked out of its shell by absorbing a photon. What energy does the electron escape with? -> An energy E < – 13.6 eV
10. Cesium-137, , undergoes β-decay with a half-life of 30.07 years. What daughter nucleus is produced? ->
