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ACT Aspire Math: Finding the Area of a Graphed Square 4 Views
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What is the area of the square in square units?
- 00:03
Okay Geometric masked the shmoop ing people's here's square what's
- 00:08
the area of the square in square units using an
- 00:16
ancient and incredibly complex method called counting the length of
- 00:21
the sides on the graph What we find that this
- 00:24
square has sides eight units long that was really hard
Full Transcript
- 00:27
to squares areas equal to the length of one side
- 00:29
squared So the area of the square is eight squared
- 00:32
equals well sixty four square units Alternatively if you wanted
- 00:35
to flex your two d skills and coordinate geometry well
- 00:39
you could have calculated the distance between two points to
- 00:41
find the length of one side of the square and
- 00:44
then looking at the top right corner we can see
- 00:46
that one side starts it four Comma five right there
- 00:49
and goes down to the point for negative Three We
- 00:51
don't need to worry about the distance formula since the
- 00:54
line is vertical and on ly the why value changes
- 00:57
from one point to the other The length of the
- 00:59
line can then be calculated in terms of the difference
- 01:01
between the two Why coordinates five and then subtracting the
- 01:05
negative three there So that gets us eight Yeah the
- 01:08
measurement of one side of the square gives us enough
- 01:10
info to find the area of square area which is
- 01:13
sixty for have you ever said a word so many
- 01:15
times it starts losing its meaning Square square Where Yeah 00:01:19.917 --> [endTime] weird
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