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Math Videos 91 videos
Given the following equation, what is x?)
At the local candy store down the street, three pounds of Hello Kitty gummy treats cost $6.42. At the candy store across town, five pounds of Hello...
How many hundredths are there in four tenths?
ACT Aspire Math: Solving for a Trapezoid's Area Using Its Height 2 Views
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If the area of the trapezoid is 21, what is its height h? Use the formula A =
for the area of a trapezoid.
If the area of the trapezoid is 21, what is its height h? Use the formula A =
for the area of a trapezoid.
- 00:03
Okay Math people What time is it It's trap is
- 00:06
oid time You know the most boring time of the
- 00:08
day All right If the area the traps are twenty
- 00:10
one what's the height H use formula a equals base
- 00:14
one plus based teo over two times height for the
Full Transcript
- 00:17
area of trap is oid art That's fancy formula So
- 00:23
let's think about this The area the trap is always
- 00:25
given bhaiyya this little formal here where h is the
- 00:27
perpendicular hide of the prop is oi that's this part
- 00:30
That's the age Well the diagram shows that base one
- 00:33
plus based to over two is five plus nine over
- 00:37
two We're just plugging in charging the numbers they gave
- 00:39
us on that's fourteen over to which is seven So
- 00:42
a little bit of reverse engineering gives us that seven
- 00:44
times eight is twenty one and then h is twenty
- 00:47
one over seven or three So the height is three
- 00:50
answers See Okay now we've got that down It'll be
- 00:52
a cinch to help this guy figure out what sure 00:00:54.256 --> [endTime] best fits his body type
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