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ACT Aspire Math: Using a Formula to Calculate Interior Angles 1 Views
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What is the measure of one interior angle of a regular 10-sided polygon?
- 00:03
All right Masks from uppers Another drill for you Here
- 00:06
we go What is the measure of one interior angle
- 00:09
of a regular ten sided polygon This is a polygon
- 00:17
of many faces All right We're not sure what it's
- 00:20
deal is so we're going to try to figure out
Full Transcript
- 00:22
what angles it might be Working their well The measure
- 00:25
of one interior angle of a polygon with insides is
- 00:28
given by the formula and equals and minus two over
- 00:32
end times one Eighty This polygon has a whopping ten
- 00:35
sides Yeah what Up their deck A gun So use
- 00:38
an equals ten in the formula So we have ah
- 00:40
ten minus two over ten times one eighty That's eight
- 00:44
tense times one eighty Then we have eight times one
- 00:48
eighty there so that really reduces down there And we
- 00:50
have eight times eighteen degrees which is one hundred forty
- 00:53
four degrees We couldn't find the same angle by calculating
- 00:57
the measure of one exterior angle of the polygon which
- 01:00
is given by the formula three hundred sixty degrees divided
- 01:02
by n It's the sides or ten there which is
- 01:04
thirty six degrees So interior and exterior angles are supplementary
- 01:09
So the measure of one interior angle is equal to
- 01:12
one eighty minus the measure of the exterior angle So
- 01:16
we get one eighty minus thirty six gets one hundred
- 01:19
forty four degrees So the measure of one interior angle
- 01:22
of a regular ten sided polygon Yeah it's d one 00:01:25.398 --> [endTime] hundred forty four degrees
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