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Given the following equation, what is x?)
At the local candy store down the street, three pounds of Hello Kitty gummy treats cost $6.42. At the candy store across town, five pounds of Hello...
How many hundredths are there in four tenths?
ACT Aspire Math: Identifying Equivalent Fractions 3 Views
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Which of the following fractions is equivalent to
- 00:02
Okay Mass remembers another one for you Which of the
- 00:04
following fractions is equivalent to a tch over j Well
- 00:14
that's a whole lot of h j and k terms
- 00:16
floating around here It reminds us of the sound todd's
- 00:19
cat makes when it's deciding whether or not to hack
Full Transcript
- 00:22
up a hairball or not Yeah feline trauma aside though
- 00:25
the best way to tackle this kind of problem is
- 00:26
to go down the list and simplify each answer choice
- 00:29
Well there's no way to semper fi h plus que
- 00:31
over j plus cake because it's only equal to h
- 00:34
over jfk zero And that ain't gonna happen Okay next
- 00:37
h J k over j H K Well that's equal
- 00:40
to one because they're the same terms so that can't
- 00:42
be it Next up h k plus h over j
- 00:45
k plus j That can be simplified if we factor
- 00:49
out an age up here Kay plus one and jay
- 00:51
they're k plus one So that's just a chew over
- 00:54
j that same thing So that's the answer's got to
- 00:56
be it It's sea but well let's keep going for
- 00:58
the sake of completeness Okay h k plus k and
- 01:02
then jake a Plus k Let's incorrect because it's equal
- 01:05
Teo h Plus one over j plus one Andy is
- 01:08
equivalent to well just k over j So that's it
- 01:10
See it is We're going to stick with the simple 00:01:13.617 --> [endTime] fighting answer right there
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