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Given the following equation, what is x?)
At the local candy store down the street, three pounds of Hello Kitty gummy treats cost $6.42. At the candy store across town, five pounds of Hello...
How many hundredths are there in four tenths?
ACT Aspire Math: Simplifying a Fraction Involving Square Roots 4 Views
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What is the simplified form of the expression
- 00:03
Okay Mass shmoop er's we've got another drill for you
- 00:05
Here we go What is the simplified form of the
- 00:07
expression Square root of fifty x cubed over square root
- 00:12
of thirty two x to the fifth All right well
- 00:18
let's think about this Nothing's worse than being stuck with
Full Transcript
- 00:20
a bunch of roots who are total squares Let's free
- 00:23
some of these numbers from this gang and see if
- 00:24
we can simplify the world aren't fun square roots of
- 00:27
fifty x cubed and thirty two x the fifth We
- 00:30
got a factor out perfect squares So what does that
- 00:32
give us Fifty x cube is the same as twenty
- 00:35
five x squared times Two acts which is the same
- 00:38
as the quantity five x squared times to act So
- 00:42
that's how that one should look And then thirty two
- 00:44
x a fifth while that's the same ass Sixteen x
- 00:47
to the fourth times two times act And that's the
- 00:50
same as quantity for x squared times Two acts All
- 00:53
right well we just rewrite the original expression using these
- 00:56
factories ation things and pull out the perfect squares So
- 01:00
we've got square with twenty five x squared times square
- 01:03
two Acts over us Grow 2:60 next four times to
- 01:07
act and then that gets us while five x times
- 01:09
the square to x over forks Weird times square two
- 01:12
acts well next week and simplify this fraction by canceling
- 01:15
factors common to the numerator and denominator starting with the
- 01:19
square root of two x there and then x which
- 01:21
gets us five acts over for x squared and then
- 01:24
we'll weaken taken x out of there factoring ex outs
- 01:27
that just gets us five over for ex Finally that's 00:01:31.081 --> [endTime] it The answer is b
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