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ACT Aspire English: Fixing a Comma Splice through Revision 2 Views
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they measure
- 00:03
Okay Aspiring shmoop er's Here we go Four of twelve
- 00:07
Say our focus here is they measure on paragraph two
- 00:12
here Let's just skim till we get down there Like
- 00:14
the movie jaws One of the main reasons great white
- 00:16
sofia is their appearance And we fix that Like the
Full Transcript
- 00:19
movie jaws They remember that was wrong They are very
- 00:21
large sharks They measure up to twenty five feet long
- 00:26
terrible terrible grammar All right Well since we're stuck with
- 00:33
a comma can't change that See that's not yellow five
- 00:36
there Well we'll need to change the structure of the
- 00:39
sentence Tow fix the comus place otherwise known as what
- 00:43
happens when we try to glue together two independent clauses
- 00:45
with a single klaus Alright fine akama it is Have
- 00:49
it your way That was kind of a subtle burger
- 00:51
king And it might be tempting to narrow our choices
- 00:54
to anything that adds a conjunction But we need to
- 00:58
consider whether the transitions make sense in the context of
- 01:01
the sentence Thie conjunction and makes it seem as though
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the sharks are large and additionally measure up to twenty
- 01:09
five feet long beak That's meg ladan territory While the
- 01:12
conjunction so creates the impression that the first and second
- 01:17
parts of the sentence have a cause and effect type
- 01:18
of relationship we can bypass all the misleading conjunction junction
- 01:23
What's your function By using the i n g form
- 01:26
of to measure which is the best choice here jaren
- 01:30
defying it Yes so that this will read They are
- 01:33
very large sharks comma measuring up to twenty five feet
- 01:38
long There it's not shakespeare It's not great english but 00:01:41.418 --> [endTime] we'll do the trick for this problem
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