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ACT Aspire Reading: Defining "Metamorphose" in Context 0 Views
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As it is used in the passage, what does the highlighted word metamorphose mean?
As it is used in the passage, what does the highlighted word metamorphose mean?
- 00:03
Okay Ccs branch members seven of ten Let's just get
- 00:06
to it As it's used in the passage what does
- 00:09
the highlighted word metamor foes mean Done All right Well
- 00:17
like real life pokemon the tailed frogs first exist as
- 00:20
tadpoles and then they transform into adults They grow up
Full Transcript
- 00:24
so fast Tissue anyone All right well the tadpoles do
- 00:28
not get makeovers into adults Makeover sounds like an outside
- 00:31
forces causing them to turn into adults are like they're
- 00:33
getting a wardrobe overhaul You know on the cable show
- 00:36
regressing into an adult doesn't fit because to regress means
- 00:40
to move backwards So get rid of the right there
- 00:42
Amphibians start as tadpoles and change into adults not the
- 00:46
other way around Adapting from tadpole to adult also doesn't
- 00:49
work because to adapt means to adjust to new conditions
- 00:53
So get rid of be the tadpoles are not adjusting
- 00:55
to a condition and becoming adults They're naturally changing as
- 00:59
they are meant to into adult frogs Okay so that's
- 01:02
it The answer is c to transform their taking different
- 01:05
forms All right let's see
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