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Choose the best alternative to the text below.came to be born
Choose the best alternative to the text record their album
Choose the best alternative to the text below.deduce the advance
ACT Aspire English: Putting Sentences in a Logical Order 3 Views
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Which of the following would be the most logical order of sentences in Paragraph 2?
- 00:03
Okay Literacy seeking shmoop bruise Here we go again Another
- 00:06
question for you here This one's a little different format
- 00:09
We're five of twelve in the technology forever changing music
- 00:12
industry saga questions Which of the following would be the
- 00:16
most logical order of sentences in paragraph two All right
Full Transcript
- 00:21
just go down paragraph two and we're thinking about the
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order So here's sentenced one Record companies used to advance
- 00:26
among you in order to report their album and then
- 00:28
they would do so did dr advancement proceeds album that
- 00:32
sense one since two Prior to the advent of the
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internet artists would release albums and people would go to
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record stores to buy those albums You have stone age
- 00:41
with fred flintstone No sense to then sentence three They
- 00:45
then pay the musicians a small percentage of the wholesale
- 00:48
price of each album sold So clearly we've got a
- 00:51
mess here This's all this organized But think about this
- 00:55
The paragraph discusses the way that the music industry worked
- 00:58
before the internet existed Yes there was a time before
- 01:02
the internet existed and yes it was kind of a
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weird time There was no shmoop For one thing it
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was a terrible world back then wasn't it Well the
- 01:09
second sense introduces the topic so it should come first
- 01:13
Right The first sense talked about how records used to
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be made and the third sentence discusses how record companies
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paid artists Well it makes the most sense Then to
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put those senses in order of what happens first recording
- 01:28
the record followed by what happens next paying the artist
- 01:32
right So that order would be sentenced to then one
- 01:36
then three So the answer here is just deep That's 00:01:40.675 --> [endTime] it We're done
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